[1]09年肝癌中西医临床协作专家委员会.原发性肝癌中西医结合介入诊疗专家共识 (试行第一版)[J].介入放射学杂志,2021,30(11):1079-1090.
 09 Expert Committee on Clinical Coordination of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine for Liver Cancer ZHENG Jiasheng,YANG Guowang.Interventional expert consensus on integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine for the diagnosis and treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma(trial editionⅠ)[J].journal interventional radiology,2021,30(11):1079-1090.

原发性肝癌中西医结合介入诊疗专家共识 (试行第一版)()






Interventional expert consensus on integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine for the diagnosis and treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma(trial editionⅠ)
2019 Expert Committee on Clinical Coordination of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine for Liver Cancer ZHENG Jiasheng YANG Guowang
Affiliated Beijing You’an Hospital, Capital University of Medical Sciences, Beijing 100069, China
【关键词】 肝细胞癌中西医结合 介入诊疗 专家共识
【摘要】 本共识由国家中医药管理局重大疑难疾病-中西医临床协作项目-肝癌项目组牵头撰写,该项目建立了早期肝癌微创根治性消融和中晚期肝癌TAE/TACE序贯微创介入消融,联合中医辨证整体施治,形成了介入栓塞标记肿瘤,序贯微创局部消融及解剖模式消融术,去除影像学可见肿瘤,建立了以肝段消融术为代表的肝脏消融体系;应用中医扶正去邪提升机体免疫功能,重塑不适合肿瘤生长的微环境,去除影像学不可见的微小肿瘤,探索出了“中西医结合临床协作治疗肝癌”的整体解决方案。本共识以中医药微环境调理和微创消融相结合为特色,充分发挥中医扶正、辨证施治的整体治疗优势与微创消融精准灭活肿瘤,同时保留正常解剖结构、生理功能和免疫功能的局部治疗特点,采用整体治疗与局部消融治疗相结合,中医药调理与微创消融相结合,开创了肝癌中西医结合微创诊疗新模式。该共识的实施使BCLC A期肝癌达到了与开放性手术相同的根治性治疗效果,使以往开放式手术不能治疗的BCLC B/C期肝癌也获得了根治性效果,使肝癌治疗进入到人文化诊疗新模式,是卫生经济学效应最大化实施方案。


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(收稿日期:2021- 07-15)
(本文编辑:李 欣)
更新日期/Last Update: 2021-11-22