[1]国际血管联盟中国分部护理专业委员会,上海市护理学会外科护理专业委员会.硬化剂注射治疗原发性下肢浅静脉曲张围手术期护理规范专家共识 [J].介入放射学杂志,2024,33(02):109-114.
 Professional Committee on Nursing Care,Chinese Chapter of International Union of Angiology,Surgical Nursing Committee of Shanghai Nursing Society.Expert consensus on perioperative nursing standard of sclerotherapy for primary superficial varicose veins of lower extremities[J].journal interventional radiology,2024,33(02):109-114.

硬化剂注射治疗原发性下肢浅静脉曲张围手术期护理规范专家共识 ()






Expert consensus on perioperative nursing standard of sclerotherapy for primary superficial varicose veins of lower extremities
Professional Committee on Nursing Care Chinese Chapter of International Union of Angiology; Surgical Nursing Committee of Shanghai Nursing Society
【关键词】 硬化剂原发性下肢浅静脉曲张 围手术期 护理规范 专家共识
【摘要】 为促进硬化剂注射治疗原发性下肢浅静脉曲张围手术期护理标准化和规范化,保障治疗效果,特制定本共识。本共识以专科发展前沿为基础、以护理问题为导向,全面阐述了硬化剂注射的优点和类型、治疗的适应证和禁忌证、术前护理、术中护理配合、术后护理及相关并发症护理等。在现有证据的基础上,结合临床专家意见,对硬化剂注射治疗原发性下肢浅静脉曲张围手术期护理进行规范,本共识可操作性强,对临床实践具有指导作用。


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(收稿日期:2023- 09- 04)
(本文编辑:新 宇)
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-03-08