JIANG Fengchen,ZHOU Shuiping,CHEN Shiyuan,et al.Survey of depression in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma during perioperative period of interventional treatment and its correlation with serum BDNF concentration[J].journal interventional radiology,2023,32(11):1106-1109.
- 卷:
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- Title:
Survey of depression in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma during perioperative period of interventional treatment and its correlation with serum BDNF concentration
- 作者:
蒋逢辰; 周水平; 陈世园; 沈家宝; 王庆华; 戚龙菊
- Author(s):
JIANG Fengchen; ZHOU Shuiping; CHEN Shiyuan; SHEN Jiabao; WANG Qinghua; QI Longju.
School of Nursing, Medical School of Nantong University, Nantong, Jiangsu Province 226001, China
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
【摘要】 目的 了解接受肝动脉栓塞化疗(transcatheter arterial chemoembolization,TACE)的肝细胞癌(hepatocellular carcinoma,HCC)患者抑郁发生情况及其与血清脑源性神经营养因子(brain-derived neurotrophic factor,BDNF)表达的相关性。方法 选择2018年1月至2019年12月南通市第三人民医院行TACE治疗的HCC患者303例,采用医院焦虑抑郁量表(hospital anxiety and depression scale,HADS)对HCC患者进行抑郁情况调查,收集患者TACE治疗前1 d血清标本,采用ELISA法检测患者血清BDNF浓度,比较抑郁者与非抑郁者血清BDNF浓度。利用受试者工作特性曲线下面积(AUC)评估血清BDNF浓度对抑郁的诊断价值。对抑郁者随访3个月,再次测定其抑郁评分及血清BDNF浓度且进行相关性分析。结果 303例HCC患者中,抑郁患者183例(60.40%),焦虑患者159例(52.48%)。120例非抑郁患者血清BDNF浓度为(30 040.21±8 481.55) pg/mL,183例抑郁患者血清BDNF浓度为(23 555.55±6 921.10) pg/mL,差异有统计学意义(t=7.286,P<0.05);BDNF的AUC为0.749(95%CI:0.687~0.811,P<0.01),约登指数为0.497,截断值为30 901.62 pg/mL;BDNF浓度越高,HADS- D评分越低,反之BDNF浓度越低,HADS- D评分越高,两者呈线性趋势关系,变化方向相反,Pearson相关系数为- 0.730,相关系数的双侧检验P<0.05。结论 HCC患者围介入期抑郁发生率为60.40%,HCC抑郁患者的BDNF低于非抑郁患者,且BDNF表达量与抑郁评分呈负相关。
【关键词】 肝细胞癌; 肝动脉栓塞化疗; 抑郁; 脑源性神经营养因子
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- 备注/Memo:
(收稿日期:2022- 05- 27)
(本文编辑:新 宇)
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