[1]孙春艳,徐南娇,张 蕾,等.加温聚维酮碘在心内科介入患者皮肤消毒中的循证护理实践[J].介入放射学杂志,2021,30(05):512-518.
SUN Chunyan,XU Nanjiao,ZHANG Lei,et al.Evidence-based nursing practice of using warmed povidone-iodine in skin disinfection for patients receiving cardiac intervention[J].journal interventional radiology,2021,30(05):512-518.
- 卷:
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- Title:
Evidence-based nursing practice of using warmed povidone-iodine in skin disinfection for patients receiving cardiac intervention
- 作者:
孙春艳; 徐南娇; 张 蕾; 何 佳; 丁金玲; 陆剑嵘
- Author(s):
SUN Chunyan; XU Nanjiao; ZHANG Lei; HE Jia; DING Jinling; LU Jianrong.
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Affiliated Drum Tower Hospital, School of Medicine, Nanjing University, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province 210008, China
- 关键词:
【关键词】 加温; 聚维酮碘; 介入患者; 皮肤消毒; 循证实践
- 文献标志码:
- 摘要:
【摘要】 目的 循证并实践加温聚维酮碘在心内科介入患者中的皮肤消毒效果。方法 应用澳大利亚循证护理中心循证卫生保健模式,收集加温皮肤消毒液的证据,进行证据综合及证据传播,对护理人员展开系统培训,并将证据综合结果运用到心内科介入患者的临床实践。结果 加温聚维酮碘(37℃)不影响消毒后细菌培养阳性率(P=0.693)、伤口感染率,能提高患者体温(P<0.001),减少消毒时(P=0.006)和消毒后(P=0.012)冷感觉发生率。结论 应用循证护理实践为心内科介入患者皮肤消毒的聚维酮碘温度提供建议,在聚维酮碘允许的温度范围内加温,减少患者不适感,提高优质护理服务质量。
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- 备注/Memo:
(收稿日期:2020- 03- 19)
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