 ZHANG Po,ZHU Xian-yang,ZHANG Duan-zhen,et al.Thrombocytopenia occurring after percutaneous transcatheter closure of congenital heart defects and its related factors [J].journal interventional radiology,2016,(06):483-486.

先天性心脏病介入封堵术后血小板减少及影响因素 ()






Thrombocytopenia occurring after percutaneous transcatheter closure of congenital heart defects and its related factors
ZHANG Po ZHU Xian-yang ZHANG Duan-zhen WANG Qi-guang HAN Xiu-min SHENG Xiao-tang CUI Chun-sheng
Department of Congenital Heart Diseases, Cardiovascular Research Institute of PLA, General Hospital of Shenyang Military Area Command, Shenyang, Liaoning Province 110016, China
 【关键词】血小板减少 动脉导管未闭 室间隔缺损 房间隔缺损 介入封堵治疗
【摘要】目的探讨常见先天性心脏病介入封堵术后血小板减少发生率及影响因素。 方法2011年2月至2015年5月采用经皮介入封堵术治疗204例先天性心脏病患者,术前及术后2 d作常规血液检查,了解血小板计数变化。 结果204例患者中女146例(71.6%),男58例(28.4%),平均年龄(18.2±16.8)岁;动脉导管未闭(PDA)80例(39.2%),室间隔缺损(VSD)72例(35.3%),房间隔缺损(ASD)52例(25.5%)。介入封堵术后血小板计数减少率为(8.69±21.86)%(-91.6%~85.8%);7例(3.4%)血小板计数减少至(50~100)×109/L,2例(1.0%)<50×109/L;49例(24.0%)血小板计数下降≤10%,84例(41.2%)下降10%~50%,8例(3.9%)下降>50%。术后血小板计数为(226±79)×109/L,较术前(250±73)×109/L明显降低(P<0.01);PDA、ASD术后血小板计数均较术前降低(P<0.01),VSD术后虽较术前降低,但未达到统计学差异(P=0.131)。Logistic回归分析发现PDA术后血小板减少的独立危险因素是封堵术前血小板计数(OR=1.009,95%CI 1.001~1.08,P=0.036)和封堵器直径(OR=1.257,95%CI 1.069~1.478,P=0.006)。 结论血小板减少是先天性心脏病介入封堵术后短期内常见并发症,PDA封堵器直径≥14 mm和ASD封堵器直径>20 mm较易发生血小板减少。


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(收稿日期: 2015-11-20)

(本文编辑: 边佶)
更新日期/Last Update: 2016-06-21