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Radiofrequency ablation for atrial flutter occurring in complex congenital heart disease after corrective surgery with subsequent pacemaker implantation: report of one case
冯佳丽 徐 芳 胡金柱 许 飞 段君凯 周云国
FENG Jiali XU Fang HU Jinzhu XU Fei DUAN Junkai ZHOU Yunguo.
Department of Cardiology, Jiangxi Provincial Children’s Hospital, Jiangxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Health and Childhood Cardiovascular Disease, Nanchang, Jiangxi Province 330000, China
【关键词】 儿童 先天性心脏病 永久起搏器 心房扑动 射频消融术


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(收稿日期;2022- 12- 30)
(本文编辑:茹 实)
更新日期/Last Update: 2024-03-08