[1]国际血管联盟中国分部护理专业委员会.Stanford B型主动脉夹层腔内治疗围术期护理规范专家共识[J].介入放射学杂志,2023,32(09):833-840.
 Professional Committee of Nursing Care,Chinese Chapter of International Union of Angiology.Expert consensus on the perioperative care for the endovascular treatment of Stanford type B aortic dissection[J].journal interventional radiology,2023,32(09):833-840.

Stanford B型主动脉夹层腔内治疗围术期护理规范专家共识()






Expert consensus on the perioperative care for the endovascular treatment of Stanford type B aortic dissection
Professional Committee of Nursing Care Chinese Chapter of International Union of Angiology
【关键词】 主动脉夹层腔内治疗护理专家共识
【摘要】 形成《Stanford B型主动脉夹层腔内治疗围术期护理规范专家共识》(以下简称《共识》),规范Stanford B型主动脉夹层患者腔内治疗围术期的护理。通过检索国内外主动脉夹层诊治护理相关证据,形成《共识》初稿。邀请50位血管外科及相关领域医护专家进行函询,根据专家建议进行分析、修改及完善,形成《共识》终稿。《共识》内容包括:Stanford B型主动脉夹层最新解剖定位、腔内治疗方式及适应证、术前及术后护理四方面。本《共识》实用性强,可为Stanford B型主动脉夹层腔内治疗围术期护理提供指导依据。


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(收稿日期:2023- 05- 15)
(本文编辑:茹 实)
更新日期/Last Update: 2023-09-26