 Interventional Radiology Professional Committee of China Maternal and Child Health Association.Chinese expert consensus on the specifications of temporary intravascular balloon occlusion technique in cesarean section for pregnant women with placenta implantation[J].journal interventional radiology,2023,32(05):415-420.







Chinese expert consensus on the specifications of temporary intravascular balloon occlusion technique in cesarean section for pregnant women with placenta implantation
Interventional Radiology Professional Committee of China Maternal and Child Health Association
【关键词】 胎盘植入 球囊阻断 剖宫产 专家共识
【摘要】 随着介入放射学的发展,动脉内球囊暂时阻断技术在胎盘植入产妇剖宫产术中得到广泛应用,能有效减少术中出血量及降低子宫切除率。但是目前国内对于阻断血流位置及具体操作方式尚无统一认知。本共识聚焦适应证的选择、技术方法选择、术中操作以及相应并发症的处理等事项,汇聚国内介入科、产科、影像科等多学科相关专家意见及建议,系统阐述胎盘植入产妇剖宫产术中球囊暂时阻断血流的相关经验,旨在规范球囊暂时阻断技术的操作、提高基层医院球囊阻断技术的应用率以及降低相关并发症的发生率。


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(收稿日期:2023- 02- 23)
(本文编辑:茹 实)
更新日期/Last Update: 2023-05-30