 Professional Committee on Nursing Care,Chinese Chapter of International Union of Angiology,The Society of Endovascology,et al.Expert consensus on the application of graduated compression stockings for prevention and treatment of venous thromboembolism[J].journal interventional radiology,2019,28(09):811-818.







Expert consensus on the application of graduated compression stockings for prevention and treatment of venous thromboembolism
Professional Committee on Nursing Care Chinese Chapter of International Union of Angiology; The Society of Endovascology Chinese Medical Doctor Association
【关键词】 梯度压力袜 静脉血栓栓塞症 防治 专家共识
【摘要】 随着临床上对静脉血栓栓塞症(VTE)防治的重视,梯度压力袜(GCS)应用日益广泛。如何更加安全、规范地应用GCS已成为VTE防治的重要内容。目前我国尚缺少相关临床应用的标准和规范。为此,国际血管联盟中国分部护理专业委员会和中国医师协会腔内血管学专业委员会联合国内相关领域专家,根据国内外指南和专家经验,结合循证医学证据,就GCS在VTE防治中的临床应用提出了专家共识,旨在为我国规范应用GCS提供参考,以降低VTE发生率,确保患者安全。


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(本文编辑:边 佶)
更新日期/Last Update: 2019-09-24